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Youth Choreographing Peace: Dance in and Beyond the Refugee Camp

This article highlights various creative and entrepreneurial initiatives undertaken by refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Research article Featured

Refugee Creativity, Fun, and Initiative at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi

This article highlights various creative and entrepreneurial initiatives undertaken by refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Insight & Analysis Featured

Solar Electric Cooking in Displacement Settings: Lessons from Dzaleka Refugee Camp

This report discusses findings from an investigation into the progress of a three-year solar electric stove pilot project trialed in Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Situation Reports / Updates Featured

Malawi Assistance Overview

This USAID document provides an overview of humanitarian assistance in Malawi, including support for refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Situation Reports / Updates Featured

Refugees' Livelihood Strategies in a Setting of Long-term Encampment: The Case of the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi

This research thesis examines the livelihood strategies employed by refugees living in long-term encampment, specifically focusing on Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi.

Research Featured

It is time to think about refugees' mental health: The case of Dzaleka Refugee Camp - Malawi

This study assesses the mental health status of individuals living in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, highlighting the prevalence of depression and suicidal tendencies.

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