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Dzaleka Azimai Union (DAU)

Dzaleka Azimai Union (DAU) is a women-led, non-profit organization in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, established to empower refugee women and girls facing war, gender-based violence, and cultural discrimination.

Non-profit Organizations
Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Dowa

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About Dzaleka Azimai Union (DAU)

Dzaleka Azimai Union (DAU) is a non-profit, women-led community organization founded on February 23, 2015, by refugee women and girls who are survivors of war and gender-based violence (GBV). DAU was created to address the unique challenges faced by women and girls in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, including harmful cultural practices, extreme poverty, early marriages, teen pregnancies, and barriers to education. Our mission is to empower women and girls by restoring their rights, providing access to quality sexual and reproductive health services, and challenging discriminatory attitudes and harmful traditions.

DAU and its staff organized a training for sex workersDAU and its staff organized a training for sex workers

Mission: Empowering women and girls, restoring their rights, and upholding dignity.

Vision: To build a society where all women and girls have access to fundamental rights and opportunities to decide their bodies, futures, and community life, enabling them to reach their full potential for economic development.

Focus Areas:

  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights (family planning)
  • Accessible, high-quality medical care
  • Economic empowerment and self-reliance
  • Gender and social inclusion
  • Rights and justice
  • Addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
  • Empowering women’s and girls’ education (including transformative education and digital inclusion for vulnerable groups such as single mothers, young women, and sex workers)